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Large-scale vegetation response and feedback to terrestrial water storage variations
发布日期:2022-05-27 浏览次数: 来源:水院 字号:[ ]

报告时间:03/06/2022(周五),9:00–10:00  (北京时间)

腾讯会议号:993-274-901     https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/LaLkWvAaQhJP

报告专家:Dr. /A. Prof. Huade Guan

Huade Guan博士是澳大利亚弗林德斯大学科学与工程系副教授,澳大利亚国家地下水研究中心研究员,在水文学、水文气象学、生态水文领域有丰富的研究经验 。担任Journal of Hydrology》、《Frontiers in Climate, Ecology, and People》等国际期刊副主编。  

报告摘要:Terrestrial vegetation requires water to survive and grow. Precipitation is often used as a proxy for assessing the influence of soil water availability on vegetation cover at the regional and continental scales, together with other climatic factors (temperature and sunshine hours). Soil moisture of the top a few meters, if available, would provide more direct information for investigating vegetation’s response and feedback to soil water variations. The terrestrial water storage (TWS) data derived from GRACE satellites provide opportunities for such investigation at large scales, as seen in several studies published recently.  In this presentation, I will review these studies globally, with a focus on those about the TWS-vegetation interactions in the Australian continent.


联系人:毛晓敏 教授



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