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学术报告:Can crop science really help us to produce more better-quality food while reducing the world-wide environmental footprint of agriculture?
发布日期:2021-01-22 浏览次数: 来源:水院 字号:[ ]


方式:Zoom会议  https://zoom.us/j/99876882455?pwd=UnlmRHBXMzhIc3BSaTk1ZjBFR3dxZz09

Meeting ID: 998 7688 2455

Passcode: JA350n

报告人:Bill Davies 英国兰卡斯特大学荣誉教授,国际著名植物水分生理学家、英国皇家学会会士。

报告摘要:Perhaps more urgently than ever before, we must more effectively feed a growing global population with a healthy diet while also defining and delivering the kinds of sustainable food systems that will minimise damage to our planet. There are exciting new developments in crop production biology that can make a difference but much existing crop science can also be exploited to increase yields with the aid of a knowledge exchange framework requiring the use of new technology now available to most people across the globe. The talk will focus upon novel approaches at both the plant and the crop level that will enhance nutrient and water productivity and we also outline ways in which energy use and GHG emissions can be reduced and labour shortages combatted. Exploitation of new biology and new engineering opportunities will require development of public-private partnerships and collaborations across the disciplines to allow us to move effectively from discovery science to practical application. It is also important that consumers contribute to the debate over proposed changes to food and farming and so effective knowledge exchange mechanisms are required between all relevant communities. 

联系人:毛晓敏     Emailmaoxiaomin@cau.edu.cn

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