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发布日期:2018-06-26 浏览次数: 来源:水院 字号:[ ]

时间:2018628 下午3:30-5:00


报告题目:Geomorphological influences on ecohydrological processes, and on vegetation and carbon distribution in a native vegetation catchment

报告人:Huade Guan  澳大利亚Flinders大学

报告人简介:Hade Guan,澳大利亚Flinders大学副教授,澳大利亚国家地下水研究中心研究员,长期从事变化环境下陆地生态水文过程研究。建立了杂合双元地表能量分配模型,完善了常用的植物根系吸水模型,开发了以植物为中心的SPAC模型,阐明了植被水分利用效率空间差异的机理;提出了考虑地形的气象要素空间统计插值方法,获得了降水同位素在研究区的时空分布特征,发展了大尺度影响降水分布的驱动海气系统分析方法,提出了判断流域内地下水中的氯离子是否达到与地表条件准平衡状态方法。现为美国地球物理联合会(AGU)生态水文技术委员会委员、Journal of Hydrology副主编。在Water Resources Research等主流期刊发表论文80余篇,论文他引1000余次。

报告内容简介:Complex terrain make it difficult to quantify water, energy, and carbon fluxes and states. On the other hand, the spatially organised hydroclimatic variations provide a natural laboratory to investigate various ecohydrolgoical processes. When energy, water, vegetation and geomorphology have interacted to reach a quasi-steady state, distribution of vegetation cover (and associated soil carbon) is largely controlled by topographically redistributed water and energy inputs, and can likely be estimated from topography-derived variables. This study aimed to understand how root zone moisture is used and replenished under different hydroclimatic conditions, and how plant water stress develops and distributes. With a high resolution LiDAR image, association between vegetation (and organic matter) and topography derived variables was also examined. The study was based on Topography-facilitated Hydrometeorological and Ecohydrological Experiments in a Native Vegetation Catchment (THE-NaVe), funded by National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training in Australia. Various methods, including sapflow, stable isotope composition of water and carbon, airborne remote sensing, were employed in the study. This presentation will provide a summary of published and ongoing work based on THE-NaVe.


联系人:霍再林  联系电话:010-62736762  Email: huozl@cau.edu.cn



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