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Optimal and sub-optimal irrigation scheduling using the AquaCrop model
发布日期:2016-07-25浏览次数: 来源:水院 字号:[ ]



报告人:Dr. Raphael Linker以色列Technion – Israel Institute of Technology土木与环境工程系副教授

报告摘要:Increasing water demand, caused by population growth coupled with global warming exacerbating drought conditions in many regions, has resulted in dwindling fresh water resources. The misuse of the available fresh water resources threatens sustainable agricultural development and overall economic growth. These considerations have led the European Union to fund the Project FIGARO (Flexible and precIseIrriGationplAtform to Improve FaRm scale water prOductivity) as part of its FP7 Programme. The overall Project's goal is to improve the use of irrigation water via the development and implementation of irrigation strategies that take into account, in real-time, soilwater availability, local weather forecasts, crop physiological status and water needs.The talk will present an overview of the Project and present in details its Decision Support System (DSS) component. The generic version of this DSS was developed around theAquaCrop model distributed by the Food and Agriculture Organization. This model has been calibrated for a wide variety of crops and is not very complex, which makes it an ideal tool for developing and testing generic optimization procedures. This talk will present three approaches which were developed for computing optimal and sub-optimal irrigation schedules. The performance of these approaches will be illustrated using multi-year simulations of maize, cotton, tomato and potato crops at various locations throughout Europe.

联系人:毛晓敏      电话:62738498      E-mailmaoxiaomin@cau.edu.cn



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