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Huo Zailin

 Dr. Huo Zailin, Associate professor

  Dr. Huo Zailin was born in Inner Mongolia of China on 1977. He received the B.S. and M.S. degree from Inner Mongolia Agricultural University (IMAU) in 2000 and 2004 respectively, and Ph.D. degree from China Agricultural University (CAU) in 2007. He joined College of Water resources and Civil Engineering of CAU as a assistant professor on June 2007, and became an associate professor in 2010. He was as a visiting scholar in Cornell University from 2013 to 2014.

  Research Focus:

  His researches mainly focus on hydrology process and water resources management at multi-scales (field plot - irrigation district - basin) in arid and semi-arid area. To understand hydrology processes and agricultural water use under change environments including climate change and agricultural water saving activities, recently, he has been investigating relationship of crop water use- soil water (salt)-groundwater, agricultural hydrology model at field and irrigation scales, response of regional evapotranspiration and groundwater to climate change and water saving irrigation. He has lots field experiment and numerical simulation experiences in arid-inland area (the Shiyang river), irrigation district (the Hetao) and Northern China Plain of China. He had published over 80 papers and 4 book chapters.

  Recent Grants:

  Experiment and simulation of agricultural hydrology and related salt transport processes, granted by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (51322902, PI), ¥1,000,000, 2014-2016

  Response of water use in agriculture to climate change and water saving irrigation at multi-scales, granted by the Ministry of Education of China (NCET-13-0554, PI), ¥500,000, 2014-2016

  Quantify of water use efficiency in agriculture based on water transformation in irrigation district, granted by the Ministry of Water resources of China (201401007-2, PI), ¥2,210,000, 2014-2016

  Impact of climate change on crop water use and the controlling climate environments based experimental system, granted by the Ministry of Water resources China (201327, PI), ¥2,200,000, 2013-2015

  The hydrological model and the hydro-ecological impact induced by water saving agriculture in mid reaches of Hei River Basin, granted by National Natural Science Fundation of China (91125017, Participant), ¥300,000, 2012-2015

  Selected Publications in Reviewed Journals:

  Yao Liqiang, Huo Zailin, Feng Shaoyuan, et al. Evaluation of spatial interpolation methods for groundwater level in an arid inland oasis, northwest China. Environmental Earth Science, 2014, 71, 1911-1924

  Huo Zailin, Feng Shaoyuan, Kang Shaozhong, et al. Effect of climate change on reference evapotranspiration and aridity index in arid region of China. Journal of Hydrology, 2013, 492, 24-34.

  Jiang Jing, Huo Zailin,Feng Shaoyuan. Effect of deficit irrigation water saline water on spring wheat growth and yield. Journal of Arid Land, 2013, 5, 143-154

  Huo Zailin, Feng Shaoyuan, Kang Shaozhong, et al. Integrated neural networks to estimate the monthly river flow of an arid inland basin in Northwest China. Journal of Hydrology, 2012, 420-421, 159-170.

  Huo Zailin, Feng shaoyuan, Kang Shaozhong, et al. Artificial Neural Network models for reference evapotranspiration in an arid area of Northwest China. Journal of Arid Environments, 2012, 82, 81-90.

  Jiang Jing, Huo Zailin, Feng Shaoyuan, et al. Effect of irrigation amount and water salinity on water consumption and water productivity of spring wheat in northwest China. Field Crops Research, 2012, 137,78-88.

  Huo Zailin, Feng Shaoyuan, Zheng Yanyan, et al. Simulation of hydrology following various volumes of irrigation to soil with different depths to the water table. Soil use and management, 2012, 28, 229-239.

  Huo Zailin, Feng Shaoyuan, Huang Guanhua, et al. Effect of groundwater level depth and irrigation amount on water fluxes at water table and water use of wheat. Irrigation and Drainage. 2012, 61, 348-356.

  Liqiang Yao, Shaoyuan Feng, Xiaomin Mao, Zailin Huo, Shaozhong Kang, D.A. Barry Coupled effects of canal lining and multi-layered soil structure on canal seepage and soil water dynamics. Journal of Hydrology, 2012, 430-431, 91-102

  Huo Zailin, Feng shaoyuan, Kang Shaozhong, et al.Numerically modelling groundwater in an arid area with ANN-generated dynamic boundary conditions. Hydrological Prcossess, 2011, 25, 705-713 .

  Feng Shaoyuan, Huo Zailin, Kang Shaozhong, et al. Groundwater simulation using a numerical model under different water resources management scenarios in an arid region of China. Environmental Earth Science, 2011, 62, 961-971.

  Dai xiaoqin, Huo Zailin, Wang Huiming. Simulation for response of crop yield to soil moisture and salinity with artificial neural network. Field Crops research. 2011, 121 (3): 441-449.

  Jiang Jing, Feng Shaoyuan, Huo Zailin, et al. Application of the SWAP model to simulate water–salt transport underinsufficient saline irrigation. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 2011, 54, 902-911.

  Ma Ying, Feng Shaoyuan, Huo Zailin. Application of the SWAP model to simulate field water cycle under deficit irrigation in Beijing, China. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 2011, 54, 1044-1052.

  Ma Ying, Feng Shaoyuan, Su Dongyuan, Gao Guangyao, Huo Zailin. Modeling water infiltration in a large layered soil column with a modified Green-Ampt model and HYDRUS-1D. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2010, 71, Sup1, S40-S47

  Dai Xiaoqin, Shi Haibin, Li Yunsheng, Ouyang Zhu, Huo Zailin. Artificial neural network models for regional reference evapotranspiration based on climate factors. Hydrological processes. 2009, 23, 442-450

  Huo Zailin, Feng Shaoyuan, Kang Shaozhong, et al. Effect of climate changes and water-related human activities on annual stream flows of the Shiyang river basin in arid northwest China. Hydrological Processes, 2008, 22, 3155-3167.

  Feng Shaoyuan, Kang Shaozhong, Huo Zailin. Neural Network to simulate regional ground water levels affected by human activities. Ground Water, 2008, 46, 80-90.


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